

A highly cost-effective way to communicate with your audience, SMS is also a huge time saver – text messages can be delivered immediately, or scheduled in advance to save even more time, to one person or thousands of people simultaneously.

On-Net SMS Connections

  • We uses Myanmar Telecom direct-link connections with on-net messaging to Mytel, ATOM, Ooredoo, MPTSMSC systems for performance and reliability.
  • You can send text messages longer than 160 characters, in fact up to 612 characters which arrive as 1 message on your target phones.
  • Your text content will never be replaced such as any non-standard characters like accents or currency symbols or any other possibilities characters restricted by Telcos to SMS grey routes.


We use OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token method to auth our SMS Api. You can find your app authorization key under your profile account*. Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_AUTH_KEY} If you are not familiar with OAuth authorization, please read at https://oauth.net/2/
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